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Joy of Training - Children Your Main Investment

By Michael Pearl


[intro music]

Michael Pearl:  You've never heard of someone on his deathbed wishing he'd spent more time in business. When people come to the death bed, seeing him lying there, mom and the kids all come around, the kids say, "He was a good father. He never spent much time with us, but he left us all $150,000 and sent us through college. He never had much time to listen to us. But after all, where there's a will, there's a way." No, when they are on their deathbed and the people gather around, what do you always hear people say? "I wish I had spent more time with the kids. Wish I'd've spent more time with my wife. Wish I'd've spent more time doing things that were really important, those things that really count."

Children are our main investment. You invest in your home. You invest in your job. You invest in stocks and bonds. You invest in your occupation. But listen, children are your main investment. When my first child came into the world and I looked into her eyes, I knew what the rest of my life was going to be about. I knew what the purpose of my life was.

At that point, I knew who my best friend was going to be, I knew who my fishing partner, my swimming partner, my buddy when I went to town. I knew right then, my life was going to be full of my children. And I decided, when that first child came into the world, that my ministry was going to be second. My wife was first but the family was first. The children were second, and my time began to be filled up with them.

Every time I'd go somewhere, I'd take my kids with me. I told Deb, "Now they're yours untilt hey get big enough to follow me around, and run around outside, and then they're mine." But I didn't stick to it. The time Rebecca, the first child, was just a year old, I had her wobbling around me out in the woods. I had, when she couldn't even see over my boot tops, out there hunting with me, hunting rabbits. I had her swimming in the pond and different places. This was the center of our life. And if you invest in your children, then you'll get good return..

[outro music]

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2 comments on “Joy of Training - Children Your Main Investment”

  1. Dear Mike,
    Thank you for the powerful reminder that my husband and family should always be #1. Your messages never fail to bring me to tears. God bless you for speaking the truth!

    Be Faithful,

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