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iMissionaries: Afghan Converts

October 11, 2021

We run ads on Google and Facebook offering a free download of the Good and Evil comic book Bible in over 20 languages. Most who click the ads are from nations that are restricted or hostile to the gospel. It cost us as little as 1.5¢ a piece to give them a chance to hear about Jesus.

We have been running ads in Persian, the language spoken in Iran and Afghanistan, for over a year. These ads have been reaching many thousands in Iran, but since August we've been running ads specifically targeting Afghanistan. We've had tens of thousands of people click these ads! The people of Afghanistan are hungry for the gospel. Just yesterday I received a report from a friend who followed up with one of these Afghan seekers:

I just got off the phone. After about an hour of explaining the gospel from Luke 24 he professed faith in Christ as the Son of God and received his sacrifice for his salvation.

Pray for him as I don’t know if I will have any more contact with him in the future. If anyone finds out about his faith he and his family will be killed.

That was yesterday. This morning my friend messaged again:

FYI, [the Afghan man] messaged me this morning and said he has two other people who he has “prepared” to become believers and they want to follow Jesus.

Praise God for the power of the gospel! Please pray for the many people around the world that are hearing about Jesus through our ads and will be in danger if they profess faith in Christ.

Our ability to reach so many people each month is entirely thanks to your generous donations to the iMissionaries fund. Thank you!