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Pakistan Flood Update

November 30, 2022

The floods that devastated Pakistan earlier this year continue to impact the lives of millions within the country. Our ministry partner there and his evangelistic team were able to respond to the pressing needs of their people by distributing much-needed supplies as well as copies of the Good and Evil book and other gospel literature in the Urdu language. Here is an update from our friend Jamil:

“Flood Relief Efforts.... The Gospel reached 280 families today. All non-believers. My wife and daughters helped a lot with packing and other stuff, daughters now in schools having midterm exams. I have some young people helping me in distribution. Two more volunteers to play [G&E] movie among them.

People requested to play movie after distribution and having G&E in Urdu. Big work Lord is working among this community. I can just Praise Lord. WOW.

 Another wonderful thing people are scanning bar codes and watching Jesus Movie from website, this is phenomenal response.”

Here some pictures that Jamil shared. These are snapshots of the love of God in action, which your contribution made possible. Thank you.