I Got My Husband in an Answer to Prayer.

It was on a Wednesday evening prayer night. A young single Air Force man stood and asked prayer for his Air Force friend who was seeking a wife and asked the church to pray for him to find a wife. The young man who was seeking had been saved in this church but had been moved to another location for his military service.

I thought that was a very personal prayer request but at the same time thought I could be praying for a husband so I will take on this prayer request for who ever he was because I understand his need. My younger sisters were already married with children and I was age 22 still single desiring a family.

So every day I prayed something like this “Lord please prepare his wife for him, prepare him for his wife and when the time was right, bring them together.” After I finished praying for him I then prayed in the same manner for myself not knowing that I was doubly praying for us. I did not know who he was. He could be stationed anywhere in the world and I would probably never meet him so I never expected to meet him.

I was faithful to lift up his name, his request and my prayer request every day for about six to nine months. I had quit dating long before that thinking the dating experience to be a hurtful and heart breaking. I had decided to just trust God and wait on Him to find my husband.

Then one day he visited the church but I was too shy to talk to him. I could not figure out how a single girl can explain to a single guy that I was praying the Lord would find him his wife. It would be too forward of me. Even then I still had no ambitions or thought that he was to be my future husband. I was disappointed in myself that I could not muster up the courage to speak to him.

The church service had ended, it was time to go home. He was heading back from wherever he came from. Even though I had been ever so faithful to lift up his name in my daily prayer I could not bring myself to tell him. A bit depressed I hung around the church foyer after the service looking at pictures on the wall. He came up behind me and said four words, “Can I write you?” I said one word, “Sure.” Then went home.

I was quite relieved that he asked me to write because it would be so much easier to explain in a letter and not have to suffer the embarrassment or shame of him thinking I might be too forward. I got half way home and realized that we had not exchanged mailing addresses. I thought I had blown it again. But he was one up on me because he had already acquired my mailing address from one of my friends who later was my matron of honor in our wedding. Thus began a long distance relationship.

We started off as merely two Christian friends sharing prayer request and after about four months began to fall in love. The courtship lasted about nine months.The entire relationship was long distance until two weeks before the wedding. We have been happily married for 30 years, raised six wonderful children. God’s plans are so much better than our own plans. God does indeed answer prayers and He is the best match maker if we just trust in Him.


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  1. daughteroftheking

    Thank you so much for sharring.

    # April 23, 2014