
Posted February 24, 2014

Thanks for taking the time to consider my inquiry regarding Godly approaches to male-female relationships within atypical scenarios.

I’m nearly 23 and live far from my parents, so am responsible for all daily decisions. This independence is the result of limited familial ability to provide for extra daughters. My parents directed me to seek employment elsewhere.

Since my relocation, a large number of gentlemen have sought my favor. To all these, I have carefully expressed my inclination towards a commitment based, accountability invested relationship, generally called courtship. Courtship is not widely known of in my area. The mixed reviews offered by these men regarding my opinions, I anticipated. I was, however, unprepared to settle some questions that have been raised, not only by these fellows, but by older couples whom I know from church. May I humbly request practical suggestions for how to court away from home?

  • How does a guy get to know a gal sufficiently to pursue a courtship? A commitment even of this kind should not be entered into lightly. I serve actively in my local church and attend occasional social engagements, but without family to entertain guests, my resources to become acquainted with honest men are limited.
  • When a courtship is entered into, how can a couple balance the need to know each other genuinely with maintenance of integrity and reputation?
  • How is a father to approve a suitor from 500 miles away, especially when he has little interest in such involvement?
  • What should a girl say to a guy who is inquiring about her relationship standards?
  • Somewhat unrelatedly, how would you advise a lonely, unprotected girl far from home, fighting to maintain purity and hope? I have read of ladies who have done it with fortitude, but I’m not doing very well, I fear.

If I could be so bold as to request your prayers…The pain regarding this situation, together with the loneliness I feel, wrings my heart.

Blessings on my family in Christ,




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