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Articles on Babies

You First

A few weeks ago I started giving Isabella, my 10-month-old, food to feed herself. She would make a mess, as all babies do, and I’d have to clean her up. The first time I went to w (...)

Mirror Neurons

I am loaded with mirror neurons. Thankfully I have a friend named Rachel who has more than I do, so it makes me feel a little better about myself. We can both attest that an (...)

Mom! Mom! Mom!

If you are a mom you have heard it: the “Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!” chant. My husband thinks I have a secret power of blocking it out. He, on the other hand, hears it just fine, and it d (...)

Create A Better Brain

Autism is THE MOST pressing issue for today’s parents. It is predicted by Dr. Stephanie Seneff that by 2025 half of all babies born will be autistic. NOW is the time to learn why (...)

Child Training in 2022

I have recently had a few conversations with young parents about child raising, and one thought keeps coming to mind. You have 18 years to train your children to make wise (...)

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Over the many years we have been in ministry, I have taken note of the children who have passed away early. So many were spoken of as unusually kind, loving, forgiving, praying (...)


Hope has become an important word and concept in the world of neuroplasticity. When one is hopeful it actually sculpts the brain, thus creating a better you. Researchers realize (...)

Training Of Mama

Are you cultivating wise habits in your children at a young age? Habit training early on can reduce later issues! 
 As a young mother, I began to watch and take note of the d (...)

An Unexpected Road to Success

Nobody wants to fail. We spend a lot of energy and effort in avoiding failure. We often associate it with being a bad thing. But what if failure is not really failure? What if we (...)

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