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Articles on Health


I don’t have much time for the herb garden these days—too busy writing this article.

Herbs—Physician, Heal Thyself

Debi has always written the article on Herbs, but she has requested that I, her most recent patient, extol the virtues of her healing skills.

Aloe Vera

Aloe is a medicine cabinet in disguise.


Almost every family uses the herb Peppermint simply because it tastes good. Most people would assume, anything that tastes that good couldn’t be something that heals (...)

True Confessions of a Bed-Wetter

Many of you have written us about the problem of your older children wetting their beds. Through our extensive social outreach we have persuaded one of these tormented souls (...)


Homeschoolers are not as likely as are public school children to get lice; but if your children ever rub shoulders with public school children, chances are you will one day (...)

Herbs—Bladder Infection

It had been 12 years since I had a bladder infection, but some things are hard to forget.


If I had to choose just one herb to send with Rebekah to the jungles of P.N.G., I would without question send garlic.


There are two kinds of Chamomile, German and Roman, and they both make the most comforting tea you could ever hope to drink.