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Articles on Mothers / Women

Mr. Steady (Priest - Jesus)

by Jeff Vowell Since I am new to these pages, it behooves me to introduce myself. My name is Jeff Vowell. Debi and Mike often refer to me as Jeffro, a nickname from 50 years ago (...)

Mr. Visionary (Prophet - Holy Spirit)

This morning I was reading in the book of Joshua where Israel was going to fight against Ai.Joshua sent a couple of guys out to spy on Ai and see how big the city was, how many (...)

What Are Your Rights As A Spouse?

What are your rights as a spouse? Answer: All the rights of a human being.You did not forfeit any of your human rights when you married. Your God-endowed humanity is unalienable (...)

My Playhouse

by Vanessa Blackford Last week I listened as a mother cried to a friend about how she feared being a bad mother because of their current financial struggles. She said, “We are not (...)

It's Worth It

I monitor the Helmeet site on Facebook, so I read many stories from women who were sexually or physically abused in their youth. It is part of my history as well. I could have (...)

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Over the many years we have been in ministry, I have taken note of the children who have passed away early. So many were spoken of as unusually kind, loving, forgiving, praying (...)

Set Free

I have known this lady a long time and knew she was often ill or down about something but I never thought it was because she had no peace with God.When I last saw her she was (...)


The psychological sciences assert that bitterness sickens the body, damages the bones, and weakens the immune system, as do all negative emotions. “A sound heart is the life of t (...)

If This Were My Last Article. What Would I...

The other day I saw an online post that said, “If this were your last day, what would you do?” My first thought was that of the war in Ukraine and those people, right at this mom (...)

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