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Articles on Silver Lining

The Vision Movie

The Vision has tremendous cinematic potential; exhilarating action sequences, romance, intrigue, and human and historic events on an epic scale. It needs to be made into a (...)

The Chinese Waitress

You can show your children how to be a real light unto this world, not just a sweet example. You can make an eternal difference.

Jeremiah the Fisherman

I will admit it. Everybody in the family knows it, so it is time I state it publicly. I do have a favorite grandkid. It’s Jeremiah, and he is three years old.

A Special Day

Speaking of the coming reign of Christ over the earth, the prophet observed, “And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof” (Ze (...)

Open Two Eyes

I came into the house as darkness drew near. I had been out feeding the animals and was tired from a day’s work.

Toilet Paper Roll

Necessity may be the Mother of Invention, but frustration is a close second. Nothing frustrated me more than to be met at the most inopportune time with an empty roll of (...)

The Nuts and Bolts of NGJ

It felt extra cold this morning on my way to work, so I decided to go through the McDonalds’ drive-thru to get a hot cup of coffee.

Don't send a grandpa to do a mother's work

Either I have forgotten what it is like to be solely responsible for a two-year-old, or I have gotten out of shape—both physically and mentally.

Little Women

Pleasing Those You Love