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Articles on Perspective

Cultivate a Habit of Thankfulness

"In this world of corruption there is real danger that the earnest Christian may overreact in his resistance to evil and become a victim of the religious occupational disease (...)

The Shaft

It is hard being a young man nowadays with porn everywhere. It is even more discouraging when it sits across from you on a high stool at church.

Depression Grooving Research

Science has proven that there is no such thing as “can’t help it.” Mike and I knew all through these 50 years of counseling, but what could we say to someone who came to us fo (...)

New Book! The Hidden Help Meet

Sometimes God gives a man an astoundingly powerful message. God blessed Denny Kenaston with such a message. It was called “The Hidden Woman.” He preached it often, and men and wom (...)

My Favorite Way to Start Each Day

Every morning that dawns is like a new opportunity to start fresh, to try new approaches and make new decisions. That’s why I love to start each day seeking my Creator’s fac (...)

God Defines a Good Person: Three Needful...

God has shown us what is good and what is required of us. So much of our religion is not required by God; some of it is not even good.


Death. What a dark word, a scary word that brings fear into the hearts of many. But what is death? Is it just the stopping of one's heart?

Learning God Cares About Little Things

I remember the first time I asked for details in a prayer and God knocked me off my feet in surprise. He cared even about the little things

Teenagers Ask...

I am struggling with my faith. I don't understand why God takes kids and good people up to him at such a young age. I've written Christians

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