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Good & Evil Animation Clip 1

By No Greater Joy Ministries



Narrator:  This story is told in an old book, thousands of years old. Every word I am about to tell you is true. Some of it will be hard to believe, but the truth is often stranger than fiction.

In the beginning, before the first man was created, before the earth, the sun, the stars, even before light and time were created, there was God. He alone existed without beginning, but he was not lonely. Unlike finite man, God exists simultaneously as three persons in one. Each distinct person is coequal and co‑eternal. One in essence, nature, power, action and will. He communed with himself in harmonious love.

But God wanted to share his life. He wanted friends and neighbors. The Bible tells us God created numerous kinds of angelic beings to offer praise around his throne. But one called Lucifer led a third of them in rebellion. God cast them out of heaven, and Lucifer's name was changed to Satan. But this is not their story. This is the story of God working with mankind.

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And it came to pass that the earth was formless and void, and the creator moved upon the face of the waters.

Suddenly, God spoke into the darkness.

God:  Let there be light.

Narrator:  It was not as many modern men suppose. The creator did not make use of evolution. He created all things by simply speaking them into existence. In six 24‑hour days, God made plants and animals to populate the earth. On the sixth day, with the evil ones watching, God formed a new creature from the dust of the ground. God breathed his own life into the body of clay and the man became a living soul. He was made in the image of God, higher than the animals. God called the new creature Man and gave him the name Adam.

God looked at all his creation and said . . .

God:  It is very good.

Narrator:  Every day, God talked with Adam, and life was wonderful. God brought all the animals before Adam so he could give each one a name. As the animals passed, Adam came to realize that he did not have a mate like they did. And God said . . .

God:  I will make a mate to help Adam.

Narrator:  God caused Adam to experience a deep sleep and then took a rib from his side. With the rib, God fashioned a beautiful woman to be Adam's loving helper. God woke Adam and brought the woman to him. He told them to have children and replenish the earth, and Adam called his beautiful new wife Eve. They were both naked but, like children, they were not aware of it.

Adam:  She is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.

Narrator:  Satan, the evil one, watched. [music]

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6 comments on “Good & Evil Animation Clip 1”

  1. I loved watching the animation of good and evil. It was very well done. I have enjoyed reading the book already and can't wait to have the animation one as well.

  2. Wonderful video, guys! Excellent job!
    In the "technical details" department, sometimes the words or the picture seemed to be running off the edge of my video window. Is it "just me"?

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