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From Behind Bars

June 13, 2014

Here is a letter from one of the inmates at the prison where Mike ministered.

Dear Michael and Debi,

For several years you wrote to me and you always were so kind and encouraging. You sent me several copies of Good and Evil, two copies of which are now in our prison library and are checked out all the time. Many of the men here cannot read, and they have been so blessed by Good and Evil [because it is picture-based]. I know you were going to distribute those books around the world and I have been praying God’s blessing on your ministry.

I have been here for 22 years and go home in the fall of 2016. It will be such a joy to be reunited with my precious wife, my 3 sons and daughter, my 11 grandchildren and one great grandson.

I play the piano, bring special music, lead singing in 3-4 services a week and also help men with legal work. I have earned my paralegal degree since getting locked up as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Music, a Master’s from Southern University in Louisville, and I was awarded an honorary Doctorate from Covington Theological of Georgia. I still memorize 8–10 verses a week and last year memorized Hebrews, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon. I share my memorized verses in services and at our Friday Morning Prayer.

I know you have a very busy schedule, yet I would love to hear from you. If you can send me your NGJ magazine I would greatly appreciate it and as the Lord provides I will donate to your ministry.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and your kindness in the past. May 2014 be a great year of harvest for No Greater Joy Ministries.

Because He Lives,
Dr. Donald McCary