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Lying Pantry Thieves

by No Greater Joy Ministries

Hello, we have put many of your child training techniques to work, but recently we have run into a snag. Four of our children, ages 6 – 11, have been helping themselves to our pantry for snacks between meals or even after dinner.

They eat well at their meals, usually eating meat, potatoes, veggie, with dessert only once in a while. I may have some candies higher up for their Mom and I to enjoy, but somehow, they manage to get to them. When I ask about it, they say they don’t know anything, or blame their siblings. They know it is a sin to steal and lie, but we have had to punish all the kids with no dessert or candies. It doesn’t seem to work. I am pretty sure who the main culprit is, but I get angry when I see empty candy wrappers lying around, and don’t want to blurt out “Liar!” What can my wife and I do to nip this problem now before it becomes worse. We want the stealing and lying to stop! Please let us know what we are missing in this area of child training. We value your opinion.

Michael answers:
Get a hidden camera that comes on when the beam is interrupted. They are used to photograph animals and can be purchased for less than $100.00. Install it secretly and wait for the lying thief to appear.

First, get each one to sign a statement that they will not steal sweets. If one of them steals, wait for a week to see if the others will as well. Them come down on them with a charge of theft and be prepared to show your evidence. Three good spankings will be in order, plus one year with no sweets.

One comment on “Lying Pantry Thieves”

  1. Is this just not Adam hiding after he sinned in the garden? Notice that the Bible doesn’t say that God thought it would be good to “catch them in the act”, but however first inquired as to why Adam was hiding. He already knew what they did as you know what your children have done. Your biggest concern should be, why are your kids hiding from you? God asked Adam why he was hiding not because he didn’t know where he was, but to allow Adam a chance to confess. Ask your children why they are hiding? Give them a chance to confess. Punish them as you see fit. (God put Adam to work, which was a loving act of mercy when compared to the idle hands of man). And most of all, your children need to know that you still love them and have the power to show grace to them when you see that they have turned from the sin of “sweet sneaking”. God covered Adam and Eve with the skins of animals to cover their nakedness for them.

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