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The Testimony of Darlene Rose Review by Liz and Lexi

By Lizzy (NGJ Staff)

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7 comments on “The Testimony of Darlene Rose Review by Liz and Lexi”

  1. Totally agree with this review!! Our family first listened to this years ago on cassette (until we didn’t have a cassette player any longer) and it is one of the most (if not the most) powerful testimonies I have ever heard. I have been waiting for it to go on sale to purchase the download.

  2. I have listened to Darlene Rose’s testimony about a year ago and it truly changed my thinking about bearing trials and chosing thanksgiving in the midst of terror and heartache. When I heard Darlene tell about thanking God for rice with maggots crawling in it and choosing to eat whatever GOD provided for her, it has made me so aware of the areas in my life that I grumble about and have pity parties over!
    Darlene’s choice to see God as GOOD no matter what human’s did to her is SO valuable! So often we tend to blame God when a difficult trial comes our way. I think of the interogation she when through at the hands of the Japanese, and I am amazed at the power of God to sustain His children through ANYTHING that comes to them! He will NEVER fail!

  3. I too, was so hugely moved by her testimony of faith. I couldn’t get chapter one to come up on NGJ web page so went to u tube to listen. I decided to have my 8 and 12 yr. old children listen because I wanted them to hear her words of faith amidst all she went through. My husband, however, felt it was way too graphic for them so i ceased. I ordered the book from my local library an am anxious for more reading. As always, my deepest gratitude to NGJ.

  4. For me, this was a very convicting testimony, as well as so glorifying of our Lord Jesus Christ. Darlene Rose lived the kind of life that all of us should live who claim the name of Christ. I don’t mean as being missionaries in a foreign country since that is something that must be the call of God on one’s life. But what I mean is the willingness to follow Christ no matter what the cost. We in modern America have been so blessed, and yet we have allowed so much of God’s blessings to become an excuse to not do his will. I have read many of the testimonies of saints of God in past years who, like Darlene Rose, have been willing to do whatever it takes to get the gospel to their fellow man in response to Christ’s great commission. I have pondered the pioneers who endured such hardship to forge this land in its infancy, and all of the men and women of God who did not have our modern conveniences that supposedly make our lives better; yet they lived that “life and that more abundantly” that Jesus promised to all who believe on him. Yes, we have it “easier”, but I think that is why we are also (for the most part) so soft and passive and “at ease in Zion”. We have allowed ourselves to be “westernized” and in the process, lulled to sleep spiritually, with no true zeal for our Father’s house as Christ exhibited and still desires to display through those who will simply yield to his calling and will for them once they are saved by him. I am ashamed at how unlike Christ I am in much of my own attitude and actions when it comes to so much of my life. While I thank God for being born in America and living at this point in history, I cannot help but lament the fact that I have wasted so much of God’s precious resources on self, especially TIME, when like Paul I ought to be able to say that I will “gladly spend and be spent” for the sake of the gospel. I think that is the church’s main problem in America. Very few of us know the reality of true sacrifice out of a heart of love and appreciation for Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us in willingly laying down his life for us. God help me and all of us who are so “busy” being “Americans” that we have so little time to Christians who, like our Lord, “must be about our Father’s business” (Luke 2:49). We surely need revival. I know that I do! Thank you for making this dear saint’s testimony available to us. It is sorely needed in our day as an inspiration to return to our “first love”; to “repent, and do the first works.” (Rev.2:5)

  5. I don’t know how old Lexi is, but she shines like a lighthouse beacon.
    I have listened to just the Darlene Rose audio’s you have sent me, and
    I too have been blessed by her strength to endure such torment. Being
    an Iowa raised gal myself made it even more interesting. Thanks.

  6. What an incredible life that Darlene Rose had! We thoroughly enjoyed her testimony and her sense of humour. The kids could hardly wait for your next installment. Thank you for sharing this with us. Darlene give such hope to the listener.

  7. May I say I am sorry you only have an audio of Darlene’s testimony. Without doubt it was very good (I ordered several copies of it), but I first saw it years ago on a VCR tape, with her facing the camera while telling it. It was much more moving watching her facial expressions. More so I think than the bare audio edition.
    Would it be possible for you to put out a DVD of It? I think my daughter still has my VCR copy of it that could be copied, if you can’t get a copy elsewhere.


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