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Sowing & Reaping – Part 5

By Michael Pearl

Transcription (edited)


Announcer:  Husband, is your wife cold? Then warm her up.

Michael Pearl:  I’ve had many a man who’s committed fornication or adultery say, “But my wife is so cold.” So is my tea, until I warm it up. I’ve had so many men say, “But my wife is just indifferent to me.”

When a salesman goes out to make a sale, he goes up to people that are indifferent to what he wants to sell, and he sells them on it. Now, to excuse your wantonness by saying your wife doesn’t want it, is an excuse for your sinful passions and drives. It has nothing to do with reality.

If a man can live in virginity all of his life, or a man can get in prison, down here, have no relationships for nine, ten years, get out and go eight years, nine years, with no relationships with a woman, live a straight, pure, moral life, as Rick Batson did, until he gets married, if a man can do that, you can, too. If a man can say no, you can say no.

[background music]

Announcer:  We’re happy you could listen today, and hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to check out our great current specials.

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One comment on “Sowing & Reaping – Part 5”

  1. This is right, but I would like to add: If a wife is cold or indifferent, the husband should find out why. Maybe he has hurt her in the past or continuously, or maybe he is selfish and she feels used instead of cherished. I think that most men don’t even know what that word means. Many
    Christian men believe that because the Bible tells women to be submissive, the man has the right to demand obedience from his wife. Usually he does so using anger. Anger kills a relationship and makes the woman afraid. Even if there is only one angry interaction a month, it is enough to turn a woman cold. If a man would humble himself, really try to hear his wife, and lovingly try to persuade her if he thinks she is wrong, I think that would go a long way in warming her up. Also when she sees, that he is truly seeking God’s will for his life and not just telling other people what they are doing wrong, that would draw her right into his arms. I hope many men will read this, but usually it is the women who read stuff like this.