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Ministry Updates

Adopted Molester

It has come to light today that our 10-year-old adopted son has sexually violated our 3-year-old birth child. My husband asked me to (...)

Imputed vs. Imparted Righteousness

“There is a man in my community who claims to be a preacher. He is preaching Romans 5:9 means that he is perfect. Now I know this (...)

Abused Wife

My husband has a hard time with his temper and hits me occasionally. I have learned that I get hit if I ask him to do things that (...)

Prison Chaplain Requests Good & Evil...

Being a small, new ministry, our budget is limited and we are constantly seeking good Christian materials for our men. A member (...)

9th Grader Seeks Humility

Humility is not the trait of thinking of self as of less worth. Humility is not thinking of self at all, whether good or bad (...)

Herb Lesson – Cinnamon

CINNAMON Botanical Information Also known as: Cassia, Sweet Wood, and Gui Zhi. Latin names: Cinnamomum Cassia, Cinnamomum Verum (...)

Herb Lesson – Calendula

CALENDULA Calendula also known as: Garden Marigold, Poet’s Marigol and Pot Marigold. Interesting Facts! Calendula (marigold) is a g (...)

Herb Lesson – Cherry

CHERRY Botanical Information Latin name: Prunus avium Family: Rosaceae Interesting Facts Most of the research that follows was (...)

Herb Lesson – Plantain

PLANTAIN Botanical Information Parts Used: Root, leaves, flower-spikes. Plantain is a perennial “weed” that can be found almost any (...)