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Shindig Report

September 16, 2013

The Great Ozark Mountain Shindig is now over! Thank you to all those that attended (all 2,000+ of you) and helped to make it such a success. Coming soon: photos from the Shindig. Also watch for an announcement for the next Shindig!

Go to the Shindig page >

5 comments on “Shindig Report”

  1. Wow! I NEVER thought the Shindig would make such a huge impact on my husband! After we got home Sunday, my tired hubby went to lay down and sleep but he couldn’t. He was so moved by all the messages that he jumped up out of bed, ran to find our To Train Up A Child book and started reading. Later he came out to the kitchen. “I was just thinking”, he said, “that all this time we were going the right direction in our lives and now I see we are WAY off course. I’ve been awful toward our children and haven’t been treating them right. I haven’t been leading them. I’ve been cutting strings. I’ve been harsh. That’s why they have so much trouble respecting me. That’s why the dog didn’t respect me either! We need to add JOY back into our home and make our home a place where they won’t want to jump ship!” He stopped momentarily to reflect and then said to me, “You’ve been trying to get me to see this for years.”

    I am so amazed at how God has used this event to open my husband’s eyes and change his heart. He apologized to the children before bed and the next morning immediately started talking about the subject again. He’s really been touched! I am so happy! Praise God! And thank you so much Pearl Family for hosting this Shindig for us.

    As for me, I just loved meeting Shoshanna and getting to talk with her. I learned so much about what I can do for my health and am looking forward to putting into practice the things she said. What resonated with me the most was the way she firmly and confidently reiterated to us all is that we CAN get radiant, amazing health back again! I am pumped!!!

  2. We have never taken a family vacation and this was the best experience for my family and I!!! We loved the Location and The vendors and the Seminars!!! Thank you for being so wonderful and I completely enjoyed being around like minded fellow believers! i pray you are already preparing the next one…we will be there!!! As a single mother raising up five beautiful children on my own, your ministry saved my life and theirs!!! I would not have made it this far with out my church family promoting your ministry to child training and Created to be His Helpmate. Your testimonies in your By-monthly magazine keep me encouraged!!! God Bless you and your family and all you are doing to further the Kingdom with the Good and Evil books!! Thank you – Kirstin

  3. Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Pearl and the rest of NGJ for putting on such a great event. My friends and I agree that it was the best event we’ve ever been to. All the people there were so kind and fun.

  4. We enjoyed the Shindig so much! We are waiting to hear where the next one will be!! Leon enjoyed Mikes session on how to study the Bible. It was so amazing to see all these people together and how smoothly everything went.

  5. Thank you so much for such a special time! I really was blessed, it was definitely worth coming back again for the Shindig! Thank you for creating a place for likeminded, joyful Christian to fellowship and encourage each other.

    Nathan’s talks and Mike and Debi’s final session were my favorite sessions!