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Articles on Fathers / Men

A Good Pair of Glasses

Women view life through glasses that see everything in terms of feelings, while men view life through glasses that sometimes seem to be without any feelings at all—just plain (...)

Fear Not

FEAR! That stifling emotion that stalks the average person like a sinister enemy

Wonderful Words of Life

Greater than the name of God

Precious Memories – How They Linger

Today I turned 23 years old. Birthdays make me smile.

Summer School – Homeschool Kid

"How many seeds is there, Mama?"

Where Do I Go From Here?

Lately, we have received so many lettereslike the two below, that I think we need to answer them in this open letter to all.

What does it mean to be a Man?

It's time to draw the line between boys and men.

Influencing Free Choice

How do we as fathers influence our children's free will to make a choice to love God?

Recovering the Skills of Manhood

I can’t tell you how many letters I have received from men telling me that they grew up never developing the manly skills.

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