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Articles on Challenging Authority

Why Are My Teens Rebellious?

Why did this happen? Why do some young adults manifest disrespect and dishonor? How can a parent do everything right and still suffer rebellion in their teenagers?


Calling all Teenagers... Normal, healthy, smart, beautiful, talented, needed, wonderful.... Hey - I'm talking to you.

Dealing with Slick Liars

What do you do when you learn that one of your sweet little ones is an outright liar?

Starting Over

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pearl, A faithful friend handed me your books. I wish I'd read them 10 years ago before letting my kids learn many ways of quietly disobeying. Do you have (...)

The Will To Dominate

The following article deals with a very important subject that we have touched on before but never discussed in detail—a child’s will to dominate. I chose this letter because (...)


A young father dropped by to confer with one of my sons on some item of business. His little boy, not yet two years old, wandered over to the toy box and began to drag out (...)

Why? But Why?

When a child is told to do something that he doesn't want to do, he will often ask, "Why?" It most cases the question is not prompted by a spirit of cooperative inquiry — it i (...)