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Articles on Relationships

Unbinding Foolishness

Children are not all necessarily rebellious, loud, selfish, mean, aggressive, bossy, whiny, or moody. But all children have foolishness bound in their hearts, and they all (...)

Child Training Marathon Revisited and Updated

Fifteen years ago, when Deb and I were much younger, a homeschooling family invited us to stay with them for an entire week to critique their child training methods. We had (...)

Serious Smile

If you look at the quality of your trust, your smile may vanish, but if you look to the success of Him whom you trust, there will always be more than enough motivation to (...)

The Ant

That night, as we were eating the food that we had harvested that day, Gracie told her dad the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper...


I say again: The best resource against hard times is knowledge. When you add to knowledge a convenient environment to put that knowledge to work, you will be a confident and (...)

Adrenaline Rush

Of special concern is how we as parents help our sons survive the most powerful force of their growing-up years that they will ever encounter;the girl-crazy years.

The Only Trophies

Every kid is lazy unless he is taught to work. And no one is taught to work with words or admonitions any more than someone can develop muscles in a classroom learning about (...)

Holy Matrimony

Most of my readers will agree that holy matrimony is not the product of the state, but few understand that it is likewise not the product of the church.

How to Get Kids to Remember

Every time I look at that pan, I remember picking at every speck of dried oatmeal, wasting my time when I could have been engaged in more important matters. We old men don't (...)

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