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Marriage Resources

Marriage: Sharing the Pie
That “caught in the headlights” look is so common for a man in the early years of married life. I entered marriage thinking I could relate to a woman as I had related to my buddies for the past 25 years.

The first lesson I learned is that women are irrational and don’t make sense most of the time. It took me years before I reconciled myself to the fact that I am not capable of understanding a woman. I can never press her into the mold of my logic and my nonchalant approach to issues. There are things I just don’t care about
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To all Mothers and Wives
Deep in the heart of the farmlands of the Midwest, a housewife tucks her children into their beds, kissing each one gently, singing softly as she leaves the room. Her little ones smile and quickly fall asleep. As she swaps the laundry from washer to dryer, she offers up a prayer for God to make his will accomplished in a situation that tries to burden her heart. Thanking him for hearing her, she dismisses the sorrowful thoughts and begins to make plans for tomorrow.

She sets a hunk of meat to thaw, brushes her hair and teeth
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Who’s The Best of the Three?

The first man Adam was a Mr. Steady. A Mr. Steady/Priestly Man wants peace, and he wants to give tender favor and emotional (...)

Mr. Command (King – God the Father)

My daddy was a Mr. Command Man. He was so much so that he teetered on selfish. When he walked in the door at 5 PM after (...)

Mr. Steady (Priest – Jesus)

by Jeff Vowell Since I am new to these pages, it behooves me to introduce myself. My name is Jeff Vowell. Debi and Mike (...)

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