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“I Am That Woman”

December 19, 2017

Dear Debi,

A few months after my husband and I married, I found myself in the pit of emotional distress and feeling like maybe my marriage wasn’t going to make it. About that time I received your book, Created to Be His Help Meet from my mom.

I grew up in a hostile environment where tempers flared and men were idiots who got angry and were less than reliable. If mom needed something done, mom fixed it. If mom needed something moved, she did it. We didn’t wait for dad. We didn’t ask dad. We didn’t include dad. So, all that I’ve ever learned, even after becoming a Christian (at the age of 13yrs.) still rattled around in my mind as truth. So, there I sat looking at your book. In the front of the book mom wrote this inscription, “May you learn some God-given wisdom from Debi that I never got to model for you.”

If God created a special woman, perfectly suited to be your husband’s helper, would you be that woman?

Debi, I’ve read this book every year of my marriage. (That’s 8 years) I have continued to find more and more wisdom through reading the scriptures and your life examples. It has also helped to destroy the lies Satan filled my mind with while growing up. The biggest example of this is page 21, toward the bottom you ask a question that God used to move my life in such huge ways. The question is, “ If God created a special woman, perfectly suited to be your husband’s helper, would you be that woman?”  Year after year I was plagued with this question. My answer was always, “No I’m not her, I have to many flaws. I’m too broken. I never do anything right. I’m always feeling angry and slighted.” Slowly, year after year these lies peeled away. But that question kept haunting me. When I read Proverbs 31, I just felt like I’ve not changed enough to answer yes. I’d read scriptures about how the older women are to train the younger in Titus. Nothing moved my mind. But 2 years ago, God pressed on me as I read the book again. I couldn’t get past that question. Finally it hit me. I AM. I AM HIS WIFE, I AM THAT WOMAN WHO IS PERFECTLY SUITED FOR HIM. Then God pressed this question on me, if I am her, now am I willing to fill that position? My eyes went wide and filled with tears, my heart burned. Yes!

This book has encouraged me. Your life examples have encouraged me. Thank you, Debi, for being that mother to me through this book, to teach me how a wife should be. God used your life to minister to me, He used your passion to bring my hardening heart back to Him, to fill that role of wife that He called me to. The last few years God has pulled many scales from my eyes.

Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you that this ministry, God is using you in Mighty ways. Thank you for your obedience to Christ and your husband.

Your sister in Christ, Jessie

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