
Posted July 16, 2012

I don’t want our kids to jump ship because we keep them isolated so much.we live in the country far away from friends and family. when we invite guests over they are reluctant to come because we live so far away or they don’t like driving on curvey steep roads, so we have company over once every 3 or 4 months. it gets lonley out here. we take them to a fall fun festival at our church every year on holloween, sunday school, VBS, Homeschool activities and visit christian families. we do everything together as a family.any advice?


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  1. refined

    This article may help you get some perspective on your situation.

    “I have observed that it is not altogether the isolation that causes rebellion in the boys and discontent in the girls as much as the attitude of the parents. When children are raised in remote areas, like on a horse ranch in Montana, or the outback of Alaska, they are not as likely to jump ship and reject their families. They do not take their family’s isolation to be self-imposed, as if their parents are deliberately depriving them of their due. They are more likely to be needed as working members of the unit, sharing the struggles and the joys of the family business.”

    # July 19, 2012

  2. KA

    Send them to a good solid camp. One that has tons of solid KJV preaching and exhausting sports activities like the one I went to from the time I was 12 years old. It made all the difference in my life. Without it I would surely have jumped ship and went down dark paths like my two older and one younger (so far) siblings have. Find a good camp that has all ages together (younger and older siblings can go together), has 3 preaching services a day plus morning and evening devotions, has high dress standards, good food, a lake and a camp director that believes Christians are allowed to have fun. Send them every year from the time they are 9 years old. If they don’t want to go, then make them. Pay for it yourself. Drive them hours away. I have heard SO many testimonies about camp. The kids are away from home, away from MANY distractions and the Lord works tremendously in their softened hearts. I still go back as a counselor and year after year Kids are saved, are called to preach, deal with issues in their lives, and make lifelong friendships with godly young people.
    Okay, the end.

    # July 20, 2012

  3. KA

    Oh and you mentioned VBS? My Husband grew up in the boondocks with few “real” churches around and few Christian influences. But he often mentions something about going to VBS as a kid. There is a little podunk church near us where they still have VBS; You would not believe the kind of people who send their kids there! People who would hardly set foot in a church will send their kids to VBS because they know the truth and deep down they know their responsibility to their kids. So yes, I think VBS is a good thing!!! But that was from the worldly perspective I guess. You may be thinking, but we have a Christian home! Maybe my kids don’t need VBS??? The thing is, kids love fun, and VBS makes learning God’s word fun. … and besides, I am from a Christian home and my older brother got saved at VBS, came home and told me about it and I got saved too. So Christian or not, VBS is a good thing!

    # July 25, 2012

    • Beth

      “but we have a Christian home! Maybe my kids don’t need VBS???” On the other hand, VBS may be a good way to teach your kids how to reach out to non-christians and spread The Word!

      # August 16, 2012

  4. beth

    I have had several friends jump ship, and believe me- it had nothing to do with not enough times with peers. But…. it is good for children to have interaction. If nothing else- they need to be able to find spouses and if you don’t allow them out of isolation until they are 25, they won’t know how to interact with others.

    Try to find festivals, shindigs, conferences, and such that you and the kids can go it. Most of my teen years we went to several gospel bluegrass festivals each year. Homeschool families would show up from all over the US and Canada and we would camp, play music, teach or take workshops, square dance, play frisbee, and check out potential mates. After the festivals we would all write to eachother to keep in touch.

    Or maybe go on a missions trip with several other families.

    # March 4, 2013

    • kelseymarie

      Beth, how could I find festivals,conferences, ect with lots of more like-minded Christians? I think that would be awesome, since I hardly have any friends where I live.

      # March 7, 2013